Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Assignment # 8- Poem

In the reader response critical approach, the most important focus falls on the reader and the process of reading rather than on the author or the text. One of the most interesting poems that touch the readers’ hearts is “those winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden, Even though the poem is very short but it carries heavy loads of words.
After many years left, he starts to remember his childhood, especially his father who sacrifices his life for his family. His father worked in “Sundays too” he dedicated his life to his him and the family and had to work seven days. The writers feel sorry that “No one ever thanked him” for all he did for him. Sometimes in life we never appreciate what we have until every thing are gone. Most of us can relate to this poem. Personally my parents were not always emotional and affectionate but during my childhood years they always made sure me and my siblings had everything we needed. There is another side to this poem where the child admits to his own lack of empathy to his father. Beside all of that from my experience as a mother I started to appreciate what both my parents did for me until I had my kids. They sometimes ignore all the things that I have been doing for them to make their. Maybe the writer started to appreciate is father when is won his children are ignoring his scarifies and the pain that he goes through to make tier life better.

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